How to Normalize High Blood Pressure

by Ajay Kumar
bp moniter for home

Finding a person with BP or diabetes-related issues is quite common nowadays. And this is not only a problem of one single country. 

After the rise of Covid-19 deaths, everyone has realized that a healthy body is above anything else in life. People suffering from hypertension or diabetes were severely affected and have proven to be a leading cause of death all around the globe.

But what to do if your blood pressure rises quickly, how to normalize high blood pressure immediately?

This situation can be fatal and to avoid such a situation always keep a piece of dark chocolate with you. Consuming dark chocolate can allow you some time to seek nearby medical assistance. You should keep a check on your blood pressure by using the best bp monitor for home.

For a risk free life and in order to keep your blood pressure between the desired range you should follow these steps regularly mentioned below.

Here’s how you can normalize your high blood pressure:

1. Exercise daily

Exercising daily and increasing your physical activity surely keep your blood pressure in the desired range. As per a study in 2013 in sedentary older adults, the people who participated in aerobic exercise have lowered their BP by an average of 3.9 percent systolic and 4.5 percent diastolic.

Regular exercise makes your heart beat fast and makes it stronger. 40-minute rigorous physical activity or these 40 minutes divided into several 10-15 minutes segments throughout the day.

2. Lose excess weight

Excess weight can lead to many problems and irregular BP is just the start. If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is more than 30, you fall in the obese category and are at high risk, and should start taking immediate measures to take your weight down.

Apart from physical activity opting out of weight-loss diets is also a good plan. You should contact a good nutritionist and exercise more.

3. Get rid of your smoking habits

Smoking can cause an immediate rise in blood pressure and heart rate. If you are a patient of hypertension or heart-related diseases then you should immediately stop smoking.

Chemicals in tobacco can damage your blood vessel walls and lead to inflammation and narrowing your arteries. This can also lead to high blood pressure.

Even the children at your home can get affected if they get passive smoke from you.

4. Limit alcohol consumption

Drinking a glass of red wine is ok, but an excessive amount of alcohol can lead to health-related issues. High blood pressure is just another disease that can be triggered by the consumption of high amounts of alcohol.

But how much can you drink? As per a study you can take:

  1. 12 ounces of beer.
  2. 5 ounces of wine
  3. 1.5 ounces of 80- proof liquor

5. Cut back on sugar and refined carbs

Sugary substances can prove to be as dangerous as alcohol or smoking. A low-fat diet that has high nutritional value can never have high amounts of sugar in it. 

Cutting back on sugar helps you in reducing weight faster. You will also feel fuller longer if you consume a low-carb diet as you will be consuming more protein and fat.

6. Avoid processed food

Processed or canned food generally marked as “low fat’ is high in salt and sugar to compensate for the loss of fat. Fat makes your food taste good and makes you feel full as well.

Cutting out on processed food will help you in consuming less sugar, salt, and carbohydrates which will lead to better health and lower blood pressure.

7. Try relaxing techniques such as Yoga

Techniques such as yoga or pranayama help you release stress and anxiety. We can understand that the world we live in today has a lot of stress and anxiety but keeping your mind calm is the first thing you need to do to think straight and maintain a healthy body.

You can also indulge in activities such as listening to music or doing artwork which gives you satisfaction and releases stress.

8. Get good restful sleep

When you are asleep your blood pressure dips down. If you don’t take a sound sleep then chances are you might face the problem of hypertension.

We can understand that it is easier said than done for some people. They have their work, family, and personal lives that all need attention. But nothing matters if your physical health is not up to the mark and sleep plays a major role in this.

You can try getting up early in order to sleep on time at night. If that is not possible then try getting small naps during the daytime. Small naps from your busy schedule, keeps you energetic and healthy throughout the day.

9. Cut your caffeine intake

Caffeine raises your blood pressure temporarily. If your body is sensitive to caffeine then it is better to cut back on your caffeine intake.

Researches in the past have shown that people suffering from hypertension face the problem of increased blood pressure with regular intake of caffeine.

Caffeine is not only present in coffee but you can also find it in sugary drinks such as Coca-cola or Pepsi.

These drinks contain caffeine and not only contains caffeine but also contains a high amount of sugar as well which is not good for your overall health.

10. Take your medications on time

Every hypertension patient has been prescribed drugs that need to be taken regularly for almost their entire lifetime. 

Generally, your physician will give you a small pill that you have to take daily to keep your blood pressure under control.

Don’t be careless and keep taking those pills regularly with exercise, good food, and tips which we have mentioned earlier in this article.

Talk with your physician about any possible medication that might work for you. Go to your clinic for routine body checkups which help to detect any anomaly in advance and keep you safe.

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