12 Astonishing Ways You Can Eliminate Bad Breath Naturally At Home

by Ajay Kumar

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a common problem that can be embarrassing and hard to get rid of. While there are many commercial products available to treat bad breath, such as Prodentim  these are not always effective and can be expensive. Luckily, there are a number of simple and natural ways to eliminate bad breath. In this blog post, we will explore 12 of these methods.

Here are 11 astonishing ways you can eliminate bad breath naturally at home:

1. Tongue Scraping

For centuries, people have used tongue scraping as a way to clean the tongue and freshen breath. Although the practice is not well-known in the West, it is a common Ayurvedic practice in India.

Ayurveda is a system of medicine that relies on natural remedies to treat the body, mind, and spirit. According to Ayurvedic principles, the tongue is a “map of the body” and can reveal imbalances in the body. Tongue scraping is said to remove toxins from the tongue, improve digestion, and promote overall health.

There is no scientific evidence to support these claims, but many people report feeling more refreshed and having less bad breath after tongue scraping. If you’re interested in trying tongue scraping, it’s easy to do at home. All you need is a tongue scraper which you have to massage gently over tongue to get it cleaned.

2. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is another ancient technique which involves swishing oil in your mouth to remove bacteria and promote oral hygeine.

It also helps to moisturize your gums and increase saliva production which helps in reducing bad bacteria.

3. Probiotics

Probiotics are basically healthy bacterias that are known most for their impact on the digestive system. Researches have shown that having Probiotics can remove bad breath naturally at home by building a shield of good bacteria in your mouth.

4. Drinking Plenty Of Water

When you don’t drink too much fluids your body doesn’t produce enough saliva. Due to this your mouth gets dry and the smell in your mouth increases, because there is not enough saliva to clean out debris, in your mouth and bad bacteria have a change to grow inside your mouth.

The simple solution to this problem is to drink plenty of fluids, especially water.

5. Avoiding Dry Mouth

As we have discussed earlier drinking plenty of water can help you reduce bad breath. You might be suffering from xerostomia that leads to bad breath or ‘morning breath’.

It’s advisable to go see a doctor or start drinking plenty of fluids to reduce bad breath.

6. Eating Crunchy Fruits And Vegetables

Eating crunchy fresh fruits and veggies such as apples, pears, celery, carrots, etc. can help you produce more saliva if you are having a dry mouth which in turn cleans out the odor-producing bacteria in your mouth.

Also there crunchy foods are rich in fiber, so they act as a natural toothbrush when you eat. 

7. Quitting Smoking

Smoking in general is considered risky and smoking can stain your teeth as well. Smokers usually have a high risk of gum diseases which can eventually result in bad breath.

Smoking may impair your sense of your own smell which means you will not be aware of your own breath smell.

Quitting smoking not only reduce your bad breath but also improve your overall quality of life.

8. Avoiding Alcohol

Everyone is aware of how bad you smell when you had a few too many drinks in you. 

Alcohol causes dehydration in your body which you must have realised the next day when you had way too many drinks the last night.

If you can’t completely giveup alcohol then try these suggestions to avoid bad breath from alcohol.

  • Drink moderately and responsibly.
  • Avoid mixtures and cocktails.
  • Go for simple drinks with low alcohol percentage.

9. Brushing Regularly

Brushing your teeth can give you cleaner and fresh breath. Brushing cleans out all the bacteria and stuck food items in your mouth that can cause bad breath.

You will feel refreshed and self confident. After a good nights’ sleep or after-party sleep you can easily get rid of bad breath immediately.

Toothpaste with a hint of mint or cinnamon can really make your day and anyone talks to you will catch a pleasurable whiff.

10. Take a Shower or a Bath

When you have too much of alcohol it gets absorbed in your lungs which is why you produce an odor from your breath. Your pores also produce an alcoholic scent which makes your body to stink.

It’s better if you would take a shower and do brushing of your teeth so that you can get rid of that smell completely. You can also use a perfume to cover up the smell of fun-filled night.

11. Using A Natural Mouthwash

Dentists use the term FBI (Floss, Brush and Irrigate). Using a floss and a brush is easy but the most important part is irrigation.

You will be needing a mouthwash from a reputable brands lik Colgate or Listerine. Rinsing your mouth for 20 seconds will definitely help you nuke the bad bacteria in your mouth and leave behind a desirable and clean scent.

Mouthwash are easy to carry and use and takes very less time than brushing your teeth.

You can also use other methods such as :

  • Sugarfree Chewing Gums
  • Breath Mints
  • Coffee – In extreme quantities

12. Reduce usage of Onion and Garlic

Both garlic and onion produces a very strong smell that radiates from your pores and your mouth.

If you are going to kiss someone then you should definitely not have onion or garlic before that. Both of these ingredients are so powerful that they can even diminish the smell of alcohol from you mouth.

Try to limit the usage of onion and garlic in order to reduce the bad breath from your mouth.

Final Verdict:

Bad breath or Halitosis can be a very concerning problem for some people. Generally the home remedies which we have mentioned in this blog post above helps you in getting rid of bad breath from your mouth.

However, if you still have bad breath after all these remedies then it is advisable that you should visit a dentist to get faster results.

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