10 Different Types of Kisses And Their Meaning

by Ajay Kumar
Types Of Kisses And Their Meaning

We all know that there are many types of kisses. You can kiss your mother, your best friend, your husband or wife, and even your dog! But what about other types of kisses beyond just human contact? In this article, we will discuss 10 different types of kisses that range from the Eskimo kiss to the French kiss.

KISS – define a kiss as a type of touch that involves moving your lips against the skin of someone else. Different kisses serve various purposes: There’s the friendly peck on the cheek, which we’ve all received at one time or another. And then there are the more romantic kind of kisses, like the ones we saw between Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare’s play “Romeo & Juliet.

A kiss is a form of greeting or goodbye. A kiss between two people may be a sign that they have feelings for each other. Kissing is another form of touching and intimacy, which has health and psychological effects on the body and mind respectively.  Kisses are a part of life. We all know what a kiss is and don’t need to be told – it is one of the most universal human gestures, sent with passion or affection. Whether you’re kissing someone special, getting ready for more kisses, or leaving someone behind for more kisses, Kissybook is here to help you find the perfect first kiss

10 Different types of kisses

There are many kinds of kisses. Why don’t you try all ten to see which ones you like best? If someone has never told you about the different types of kisses, you’re about to be in for a treat.

  1. The Kiss on the Forehead
  2. The Eskimo Kiss
  3. The Cheek Kiss
  4. A Kiss on Neck
  5. Kiss on the Ear
  6. A Passionate Kiss
  7. The Bite Lip Kiss
  8. The Goodnight Kiss
  9. Hickey Hug or  Suction Kiss
  10. French Kiss

The Kiss on the Forehead


A kiss on the forehead is a way of showing affection. It can be used as a way to say goodnight, or it can be used as a way to say good morning.

You may have seen someone give their child a kiss on the forehead before they go to bed at night if they are feeling sad or worried about something. This is because they want them to know that everything will be alright in the morning when they wake up again!

If you’re feeling down about life and don’t want anyone else around then maybe giving someone else this type of kiss would cheer them up too?

The Eskimo kiss


The Eskimo kiss is a greeting that’s often used in the Arctic region. It’s also a form of affection and respect, as well as love. To give an Eskimo kiss, you place your hand on someone’s shoulder or arm and then gently press your lips against theirs.

The cheek kiss


A cheek kiss is a common greeting in many countries. It’s also used to show affection, respect, gratitude and appreciation. A cheek kiss can be given to friends or family members as well as romantic partners.

The most common way of giving the cheek kiss is by placing your hand on their face while they lean forward slightly so that they can press their lips against yours (this may vary depending on how close you are).

A kiss on the Neck

kiss on neck

A kiss on the neck is a sign of affection and intimacy. A person who likes you will often show their love for you by kissing your neck, which can be passionate or sensual depending on where they choose to place their lips. Kissing someone’s neck is also an effective way to show that you care about them—and if that person feels the same way about you, this kind of action could lead to another kiss!

Kissing someone’s neck can be romantic in nature as well. If your partner wants more than just holding hands when cuddling at night time (or even during), then kissing each other all over would be an ideal next step after some light petting around the house has taken place already!

Kiss on the Ear

Kiss on the Ear

Kisses on the ear are a classic example of a sweet, romantic kiss. The gesture is not only intimate but also shows you care about your partner and want them to know how special they are. It can be used for any number of occasions—from when you first meet someone to after a long-distance relationship ends—and will always make them feel loved and cherished.

If you’re looking for something more passionate, then this type of kiss is perfect! The tongue playing with their lobe makes it an intense experience that could lead into something more than just love at first sight; it could be lustful or even sexual in nature depending on how far along things get between two individuals who enjoy each other’s company so much (and vice versa).

A Passionate kiss

A Passionate kiss

A passionate kiss is a kiss that is full of passion. The more passionate the kiss, the more likely you are to be in love with your partner and want to spend time together.

A passionate kiss can be any type of kiss that includes lots of saliva, tongue action, and other types of physical contact between two people who are close emotionally or physically. It can also include any type of kissing where there’s a lot of tongue or touching on both sides of the mouth (the lip area).

The Bite Lip kiss

bit kiss

This is a passionate kiss. It can be a goodnight kiss, or it could also be given to someone who has been hurt by you. This type of kiss may feature teeth and tongue and may include more than one person involved in the exchange. If you want to do this kind of kiss in public, make sure that your partner isn’t looking at you!

The bite lip kiss is probably one of the most common types of kisses because it’s easy to initiate and doesn’t involve much effort on either party’s part (unless you’re trying for an awkward moment). You just need two people who want each other very badly; then all they have left is their mouths!

A Goodnight kiss

goodnight kiss

A goodnight kiss is a kiss that you give to your partner before going to sleep. It can be quick and simple, or it can be passionate and committed. Goodnight kisses are used as a way of saying goodnight and I love you, but they’re also an important part of intimacy between partners—a way of communicating exactly how much someone cares about them.

Hickey Hug or Suction kiss

hickey kiss

A hickey is a bruise, usually on the neck or chest area. It’s caused by biting into your partner’s skin and leaving behind a small mark that turns into an open wound.

The best way to get one is with your teeth—but not just any old teeth: If you’re going for the hickey hug, don’t use them! Your lips should be soft enough so that they can move around comfortably without feeling like they’re going to break off from each other; otherwise, this could cause an infection in addition to making things tense between you two (and possibly resulting in some broken faces).

French kiss

French kiss

The French kiss is a type of kiss that involves the tongue. It’s often seen as a romantic gesture and can be used to show affection or intimacy.

The French kiss is one of the most common types of kisses, with about 56% of Americans having done it at least once in their lifetime, according to a study by Pew Research Center. The average U.S. adult has kissed someone on another person’s mouth 77 times over their lifetime (the number jumps up to 88 if we consider only those who have been married).


Kissing is a natural human behaviour. It is at times a very beautiful thing when two people embrace each other in love and affection. We hope you enjoyed reading this article, now go out there and give your best kiss!

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